I didn’t workout

I didn’t workout

As if I haven’t talked about it enough I was home on vacation for two weeks in Florida. With all of the intentions to workout. I even planned ahead and brought multiple gym outfits, running shoes, shaker bottles and all my supplements (protein, bcaa’s, and glutamine). I even brought my resistance bands to keep up with my warm ups so I don’t reinjure my back.

Now let me rephrase from the title a little bit. It’s not like I didn’t workout. I just didn’t workout as much as I should have.

In fact the first thing we did when we got into town was go to the YMCA and sign up for guest passes. And then proceeded to workout.

After driving for several hours, barely eating in the last day or staying hydrated I was feeling it in every way during that workout. But it still felt great to be there. I got in my 5×5 on squat that was programmed for the day. Then hit back ending with a few movements on arms just to get everything moving.

Then I didn’t return until a full week later! Now this is not the norm that is preached especially when  going on vacation. “Wake up early and get your workout in and done with for the day.” Yeah, I didn’t do that.

I could blame it on 101 excuses of the gym being an hour away round trip, it was the week before my sisters wedding and there was lots to be done, days started early in the morning and ended late into the night, etc. But put simply it was not a priority to me at the time. It’s not as if I was letting my fitness go to the way side. I knew once I returned home I would kick it back into full gear (which I have been doing).

I did manage to get in a third workout. A afternoon of sprints around the neighborhood with the hubby and our younger cousin. Sprinting a total of three miles that afternoon. And again felt great afterwards!

I know this is sounding more and more like an anti fitness post. But it just goes to show I am human too and mess up along the way. Family is just a big part of my life and I never want them to feel second to a workout nor miss out on a memory because I was getting squats in.

I think everyone needs to find their balance in life. Returning home from vacation I did not regret any of it. The extra slice of pie from Thanksgiving leftovers, missing a few workouts, most importantly making more memories than I can count.

Here’s to finding balance. Not putting too much pressure on yourself. And Living in the present.


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